Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Julfa city
Julfa district occupied the territory to the east of the city of Nakhchivan. The highest point in the district is Damirlidag mountain (3364 m). Summer is hot and arid, winter is cold. The average temperature of January is from -10 degrees centigrade to -3 degrees of centigrade, in July from +19 degrees centigrade to +28 degrees of centigrade. Precipitations are 200-600 mm a year. Rivers of Alinja, Garadara flow along the territory of the district:; Araz River - along the bound with Iran. There are forst tracts in the mountains, where the oaks, beeches, hornbeams grow. Fauna is represented by such animals as wolf, fox, here etc. Administrative center of Julfa district city situated on the blank of Araz River on the bound with Iran. The city of the same name is located across the river - Iranian Julfa. The city was on the caravan routes from Iran to Georgia, Shirvan, and Dagestan in the antiquity and was of great economic and cultural importance. Ruins of caravanserai raised not later than XIII century are located to the west side of the city of Julfa - the biggest caravanserais fixed in the territory of Azerbaijan. Framework of the bridge of XIV century built by Nakhchivan governor Hakim Ziya-ad-Din in early XIV century is near it. There is mausoleum of Gulustan (XIII century) is small green hollow near the village of Jug. Ruins of three small mausoleums have been saved near the settlement of Dar. Only the tower mausoleum taken the central position (XV century) has been saved for the present. The followings can be noted as well: Alinjagala (XII-XIII centuries), "Alinjachay khanagahi" monument (XII-XIII centuries) in the village of Khanaga, bridge (1551), bath (XVII century) and mosque (XIX century) in the village of Gazanchi. In the south mountainsides of Daridag is the spring of the same name to the northeast of Julfa, which produces 500.000 liters of water a day full with the various mineral salts. Totally, there are over 40 springs here. Where to stay "Araz" hotel Tel. 6 18 07, hotel is near the railway station. Where to eat In order to eat tasty and have a rest we recommend visiting restaurants "Araz" Tel. 6 03 51, "Gyulyustan", "Eldar" cafe Tel. 6 02 16.