Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Shabran city
Sinking in the green city with the archaic name of Shabran is situated at the foot of the nameless hill. The old name of the region "Devechi" meant "cameleer" in Azeri. Its citizens were breeding the camels, were trading with them in old times. Shabran was famous for its fairs, which were gathering citizens of other cities and villages. Cattle, birds, honey, butter, cheese, carpets, wool, ironware etc. were sold in the fairs. Caravan could make a halt here for a while, sell weak and famished camels, hire cameleers and then continue their ways in those old years. The district is situated to the north of Baku. The territory borders upon the coast of the Caspian Sea in the east. Landscape is manifold. Plains are stretching starting with the sea, then hills, then the forests, rocks and mountains. Forest area is 21500 ha. Such animals as wolf, bear, fox, jackal, boar, jeyran live here; birds are turaj, keklik (partridge). There is Liman lake. Seven magnificent mountain lakes are near the village of Nokhurlar. Popular place of tourists named in the folk Kechi-gaya is in the region. There are springs of herbal water sulfur here, river between the steep rocks. Hunting game-preserve is 12 km to the Caspian Sea coats. Its area is 1180 ha; three lakes connected with each other are in its territory. There are various river and sea fish in the lakes due to access to the sea. Birds come flying to the lakes in autumn and winter: goose, swans, ducks, cormorants, gashgaldags etc. There are hunters' houses near the lakes in various places. The lakes are very beautiful and there are all the conditions for the boat walks. There are historical-archeological monuments - ancient cities in the district: in the village of Padar - "Gulustani - Iram" and village of Shakhnazarli - Shabran. Shabran established in V century is introduced into the list of important historical monuments of the world. There are museum of local lore in the center of the region - Shabran city. There is resort Galaalti at the foothills of Great Caucasus. Urology sanatorium "Chirag-Gala" is constructed based on medicinal spring. Routes for the medicinal walk bring the patients and campers to the peak of the mountain, which are crowned with the ruins of ancient fortress Chirag-Gala. Magnificent, exciting view on the local forests and valleys is opened from the mountain peak. Traditional national craft - carpet weaving is solicitously kept in the district. Local types of the carpets - "Pirabadil", "Gollu Chichi", "Heyrati" are well known. Where to stay You may stay at the hotel and guesthouse. "Galaalti" resort, hotel, guesthouse. Where to eat The branch of "Karvan" restaurants, which are situated along the state auto highway crossing the territory of region. You can have not only a dinner but spend the night and to repair your car.