Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Oghuz city
Oghuz district is allocated on the southern slopes of Big Caucasus and is bounded with Russia in the north. The highest spot of the area is Malkamud Mountain (3879 m). Oghuz district is called like Azerbaijan Swiss. The nature of those places is beautiful: mountain rivers and valleys, boiling rills and waterfalls, salutary sulfur well and bluff rocks. Woods occupy 40% of the territory of the area. On the territory of that district there are grown nuts, filbert, apples, pears, merry, dogwood, May flower, barberry, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, alycha. There are animals such as wild boar, mountain goat, bear, and hare. Among birds - pheasant, hen, turaj, geese. Among fishes - trout, catfish. Settlements in those places were existed from epoch of Neolithic Age. The territory of the area in the first ages of AD was entered into composition of Caucasian Albania, in XVIII century - into composition of Sheki khanate. In the result of archeological investigations there were found out ancient settlement nearby villages of Karimli and Garabaldir. Here it was found out bronze knives, swords, spear - head, batons, rock woman figures, various dressings and so on. In the area there were stored numerous historical monuments. Among them, it is possible to call the following. Albanian temple allocated in Oghuz city. Three floor tower of IX century, in 20 km from the district center in Mukhas village. At the top of Galadag mountain, in 40 km from the area center there is risen up defencive tower Govur of VII century - one of the most important monuments of history, having been supplied with potable water with aid of pipeline. On the way of mountain passage leading to dagestan, in 53 km from the area center to the north of Filfilli village there is Surkhaykhan tower (XVIII century), having been constructed in Galachay river bank taken from river rock. Some of ancient memorials are being utilized these days as well. Those are Dashuz bridge of XIX century allocated on Sari-su river, not far from Khachmaz village in 30 km area center; among people it is called as bridge of Haji Rashid; synagogue (1849) in Oghuz town; mosque of XVIII century - in Sinjan village; mausoleum being allocated in Karimli village of XV century. In the area, there exist the most ancient schools to being operated in Azerbaijan. Those ones, which having been contructed in 1883 and 1887 years, are schools in Padar, Khachmaz village and in Oghuz city as well. In the district there are being functioned such traditional national handicrafts, as carpet weaving, cutting on metal and wood, jewelry occupancy. In Filfilli village local handworkers might weave carpet, jackets, scarves and etc (tel. 7 52 44). In Bash-Dashagli village craftsmen produce woody ornament, caskets, beads and so on. (tel. 7 45 55). In the area there are available such places which be fitted for hunting and fishery, being in the distance of 15-20 km out of area center. In each village there are conductor selected from local residents. For making hunting and fishery it is required to get permission issued from hunting society and ecology department. Where to stay There is a Hotel in Oghuz Tel. 5 21 84. It is possible to rent the room or home of inhabitants. Where to eat Restaurants "Gaynama" Tel. (50) 330 54 54, 357 75 80, "Soyug bulag". "777" Tel. 5 33 00, "Sahil", "Vengey", "Gobur", Shahdag", "Kerimli". Everyone will find from cold and hot dishes to dessert by his own taste here.