Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Guba city
Territory of Guba district stretches from the northeastern mountainsides of Great Caucasus range to Samur-Devechi lowland. There are a lot of picturesque nooks of nature in the region: Balbulag, Gizbanovsha, Gachresh, Tangaalti Gorge at the depth of 400- 600 meters, grand waterfall near the village of Afurja at the height of 75-80 meters. There is unique waterfall Pirbanovsha in the district, where the water created graceful natural sculptures. One of creations of the nature warn by the water in the rock is a "Minaret". There are two artificial lakes. The district of rich flora and fauna has good conditions for hunting and fishing. Being one of the agricultural centers of the country, the district is famous for its apple gardens. In spring, all the neighborhood is full with the aroma when the apple-trees are blossoming. Sometimes, Guba is called "apple garden". Guba district is one of the most popular places in Azerbaijan for the tourists and Afurja settlement with its popular waterfall has become lovely place of rest for Baku citizens. The tourists traveling in the district go to Tangaalti gorge and then cross Velvelichay river with the mud water, admire Kunkhirt waterfall - at the settlement of Gonagkend, which was a district center in 40-50s of the last century. Groves can be met more rarely and when the height exceeds thousand meters over the sea level, the trees are replaced with bushes. There are hydrogen-sulphidous springs on Hashichay River. Here, in the narrow gorge, hot waters of medicinal features are getting out of the rocks. Nobody remembers now who constructed here something like self-made sanatorium consisting of three bathrooms made in the rock width. Each construction at the size of 2x3 m is faced with the stone wall with the shed of the tree trunks. The stone bed of the bathroom fits to the medicinal procedure strike so much that even tourists spoilt by the city civilization spend their times here great pleasure. Semi-darkness, warm water from the rock makes drunk and lull. Spiny bushes of sea-buckthorn, barberry and sedge grow in abundance at the riverbeds. Colony of white-haired vultures - eagles written in the Red Book of Azerbaijan live in this gorge. Then, the settlement of Ufug, in the outskirts of which treasure of coins related to the period of Shirvanshah ruling and dated in XII-XIII centuries were discovered in sixties, is located. Several buildings of XIX century: mosque, a few dwelling houses with the peculiar architecture and decoration have saved in Utug. Fire-worshipper temple in the village of Khinalig (IX century), octagonal mausoleum in the village of Agbil (XVI century), Pirbanovsha that is considered sanctuary among the people living here will become of travelers' interest. District center is a small city Guba located in the northeastern mountainsides of Shahdag mountain of Great Caucasus at the height of 600m above the sea level on the bank of Gudial chay. Guba has its own university, center of the carpet weaving. Local citizens will ensure you that Guba carpets - Chichi, Ag Gul, Pirabadil are the best in Azerbaijan. The carpet Gollu Chichi waived in 1712 is kept in the museum of "Metropolitan" in New York. The history of Guba city origins from the village of Gudial. Guba khanate was established in the mid of XVIII century, the center of which had become Khudat. Later, Guba khan Hussein Ali moved his residence to Guba and raised the fortress walls around the city. The city had become a capital of the khanate. Fatali-khan, the most popular governor of Guba khanate, was trying to establish a sole state from the disconnected Azeri khanates, but Guba khanate, the same as other khanates was occupied by Russian in early XIX century and adjoined Russian empire according to the agreement of 1913. In one's time famous French writer Alexander Dumas, eminent Russian orientalist Berezin, writer Bestujev-Marlinsky, famous Norwegian scientist-traveler Tur Hayerdal, visited Guba. Many historical monuments have been saved in the city outskirts: Juma-mosque, mausoleum of XVI century, mosque of Sakina-khanim, two ancient baths. There is historical museum, museum-house of A. Bakihanov, who was an enlightener, writer, public figure of XIX century. Village, where one of the largest communities of local Jews lives, is located not far from the city. In the mid of XVIII century at Fatli-khan ruling Guba khanate was prosperous. It subdued the whole northeastern Azerbaijan from Darband to Lankaran. Then, Guba khans established Jewish suburb near their capital having given the land to them and guaranteed their security. The city is allocated on both banks of Gudial-chay river: on the right-higher bank-Muslim city, i.e. Guba-is located; on the left-Jewish suburb, which was named Jewish Gasaba before the revolution. It has become named Girmiza Gasaba (Red Settlement). There is unique Alpine village of Khinalig in the territory of the district. The village is situated 65 km to the regional center at the height of 2500 m above the sea level. There are 380 houses and 3000 citizens in the village. Village citizens compose separate ethnographic group and speaks its own language, which is not used anywhere else in the world. The Khinalig citizens maintained their language and old traditions, customs. Khinalig is one of the most important components of the bright and picturesque image of Guba district. Where to stay "Shahdag" hotel Tel. 5 29 27. Resorts: "Long forest" Tel. (50) 363 00 85, "Jannet bagi" Tel. 5 14 15, (50) 200 19 86 (rack rate from 250.000 manats), "Gachresh" Tel. 5 25 05, "Nakhchivan", "Samad", "Jannet" Where to eat Restaurants: "Chinar", "Aynur". Good service and friendly climate will leave pleasant impression about time that you spent there.