Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Ganja city
Ganja is the second city of Azerbaijan by scale - memorial of the ancient culture, industrial center of the western Azerbaijan. The city is allocated at Ganja-Gazakh terrain, on both Ganjachay riverbanks. This city, having been plaid enormous part in the history of Azerbaijan, was allocated on crossing of caravan ways, where travelers stayed, and alien scientists enjoyed with their conversations. Having leafs over pages of abundant story, in each line we meet traces of Ancient City, we hear his voice and feel its breath. There do exist different points of view on the history of ganja to be formed. One of them refers the foundation of the city to the period of B.C., others - to the beginning of medieval centuries. One of witnesses of the age of Ganja we may consider Mausoleum of Jomard Gasab lived in period of Ali ibn Abu Talib caliph (656-661) governing and being differed by his fair and honesty. In times when population of the city confessed idolatry, he secretly had accepted Mohammed trust. Starting from X century when barda is losing role of Arran capital, Ganja commences to play important part in social-economical life of the country. In life of the city the trading and handicraft occupy considerable important place. For handicraft, developing here economical potentiality had existed. Iron, copper and other types of rills situated not far from Ganja, supplied craftsmen with raw materials. During making formed Ganja as a capital of the country, special attention had been paid up as well as to strengthening of military power of the city. There were already constructed villian walls, dikes were trenched out; the greatest Ganja fortress was existed. During Fadlun I, governing Ganja grown up and become forced increasingly. There were erected palaces, new fortress, bridges, caravanserai, it was started to coin money. In 1063 blacksmith Ibrahim produced the well-known gates of Ganja. To the best of Ganja to be converted into huge center, it was developed economy and culture. Ganja silk and products made of it had conquered sympathies of purchasers not only at local markets, but at foreign ones as well. Ganja was considered as religious center. On September 25, 1139 in surroundings of Ganja there was taken place earthquake with enormous force, in the result of which eight of the most beautiful lakes were formed, one of them is pearl of Azerbaijan, being stupendous by its loveliness - Goy-Gol lake. This lake, nowadays, is outspread on the territory of identity national park and being one of the most picturesque sites of Azerbaijan. XII-XIII centuries could be called as period of florescence of "Ganja - the second capital of Atabeys State. Due to that fact when its products became known far beyond country, it raised up to the level "Mothers of Aran cities". Fabric that had been manufactured here and called "Ganja silk" received the highest marks markets of neighboring countries and Middle East. In XVIII century there was formed Ganja khanate, which had existed before capture of it by Tsar Russia in the beginning of XIX century. Khanate was inserted into the staff of Russia Empire, and Ganja had been renamed into Yelizavetpol. During the Soviet period, the city had been renamed once more into Kirovobad. The name of the city had returned to Ganja just in 1989. Homeland of the Greatest Nizami, Mehseti-khanum poetess, Mirza Shafi Vazeh, the city of ancient culture Ganja had kept its image as beautiful city with the majority of architectonics memorials. One of the main one`s is Juma mosque - central msoque. Outstanding Azerbaijan poet Vazeh during long period taught in madras under Juma mosque. The Mausoleum of sheik Ibrahim had stored its original beauty. There are also some of ancient mosques; Gizil Hajali Mosque, Ozan, Bala Bagban, Sharafkhanli, Shakhsevan mosques and others. Among ancient memorials of architecture: big and small bridges (XII century), Darus Sultan palace (XII century), towers cathedral mosques, madrasah, bath houses, caravanserai, complex of Imamzade structures (XVI century) - beautiful building equipped with blue domes, which had been constructed as mausoleum of Imam Bajiri ibn Ibrahim. There is building of the first parliament of Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan to being under interests. In front of it, there is huge City Park to being outspreaded. Here as well as you might find out remains of fortress walls of XVI century. By impressive colors and attracted domes there are bathhouses being excelled out. Nearby, there is allocated Javad khan grave. Among memorials of antiquity - Alexander Nevski church (now it is theater of puppets). Local - fancy - bottled house, two storied building, having been constructed of, approximately, 50.000 glassy bottles. Artistic setting contains portrait of one of family members, having been died during the Second World War. In 6 km to the east from the center there are being lied ruins of old Ganja. There is museum of history and museum of academy to exist that tells on historical way of the city modernization. Should you once arrived in Ganja you definitely ought to pay visit to the grate poet Nizami. Monumental memorial reminds obelisk mad of marble at height of 20 meters. Behind it there are allocated figured poured out of metal, delineated plots of Nizami poems. In the city by name of Nizami there are called museums, galleries of pictorial art, and theater of poetry. Ore fossils having been extracted from adjacent mines are supplying enterprise with metallurgical industry of Ganja. In the city there are developed porcelain, silky branches of industry, reprocessing of agricultural products, wine confectionery manufacturing, furniture producing. Highly it is evaluated ganja carpets in Azerbaijan. Except for agricultural University Ganja cuty as well as has experimental agricultural station and scientific - research institute of cotton farming. Recently, it is opened Olympic sport center having been constructed at levels of modern requirements. In 25 kilometers to the south from Ganja, at the northern slopes of Murovdag, at height of 1566 meters over the sea level there is outspreaded the most beautiful lake Goy-Gol. With aim of rare nature to be stored as well as flora and fauna of those places, in 1965 it was founded Goy-Gol National Park. On its territory, there is museum of nature to exist. Around that lake you might observe resort zone Hajikend, lovely recreation zone in summer months, various tourist centers exist. Through those bridges there are being passed several tourist routes. In 45 kilometers from Ganja there is situated another mountain lake - Maral-Gol. That is as well as favorite site for making recreation. Where to stay Hotels. "Ganja": Tel. 56 45 41, "Kapaz" Tel. 56 61 07 Where to eat Restaurant "Elnur", "Gaya", "Kur Khazar", "Planet", "Kapaz", "Ganjlik". "Goy-Gol", "Ganja". The Gourmet enjoyed of national dishes.