Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Yevlakh city
Yevlakh district is situated on the right bank of Kura. The area center - Yevlakh city. In Yevlakh, there are collided roadway roads, leading to Khankend, Mingechevir, Sheki, Balaken and ganja. This is railroad limb Yevlakh-Balaken that takes its outset spot from here. Note worthy of that road is that it passes lightly through the most splendid of Azerbaijan. Yevlakh city as per historical documents of XII century formerly was called "gates of Garabag". Via those "gates" there were passed roads towards, being the well-known in Azerbaijan, eylags (alpine grasslands - summer pastures) in Kelbajar, Lachin and further to Batabat. Where to stay Except for hotels, in the area you may stay at homes of local inhabitants. Here, hostesses will provide high service for you. Where to eat Restaurants "Farman" and "Karvan' Tel. 6 16 06, cafe "Mehman". Delicious breakfast, dinner, and fresh fish dishes will be prepared to visitor's desire.