Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Dashkesen city
Dashkesan area is allocated at northeastern slopes of Small Caucasus and being the center of ore mining industry of then republic. Climate in the area is changed in winter ranged from - 5 C till - 20 C; in summer - from +20 C till +35 C. Pure air, greenery abundant, rich animal world being outspreaded alongside mountain bed of Murovdag of woody massive, make attract here in summer times a lot of nature amateurs, who used to arrive with their families from around regions and capital of the Republic for spending recreation times here. In villages of Zagali, Zivlen outspreaded at artificial lakes of Khoshbulag and Goy-Gol, artificial of fishing might spend their time. By not a big popularity it is used Eylag Khishbulag with its alpine grassland and cooled rills. Archeological diggings made in villages of Bayan, Gurbulag, Amirvar, Khashbulag, Zagali, Dardara and others witnesses about existence of settlements of Stone Age on the area territory. Among architectural memorials we might call two ancient rocked bridges having been jibed across Goshkar River and mausoleum in Akhmedli village. The district centr - dashkesan city. Name of the city is translated as "rock cutter, "rock hacker". There are stored such handicrafts as carpet weaving, coining, screwing-threading on woody and stone. Where to stay There are hotel in city two guesthouses. Rack rate from 10.000 manats. Where to eat You can taste kebab, khingal and other national dishes in restaurant "Khan Bulag", cafes "Narzan", "Bahar" and difference snack bars.