Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Gakh city
Gakh district is situated in the northern - west side of Azerbaijan and being bounded with Georgia. Alongside the border, there are running Kumruk, Gashgachay, and Ayrichay Rivers. By luxury of mountains is lake and waterfalls. Climate on the south of the area is subtropical, in the center - hot moderate, in half it is humid subtropical, in the highest mountain atop - cold. The most highest temperature in winter - on mountaintops - 45 C. On the territory of the area there is allocated Ilisu national park. In mountain woods there are habituated wolves, mountain goats, wild cats, wolfs, boars, jackals. In the area of Ganig-Airichay valley, there are splendid places for hunting amateurs and fishing. The most picturesque places being existed in the area are in the distance of 12-20 km of the center. Trip cost leading to those sites is ranged from 2000 to 5000 manats. Administrative center of Gakh district - small Gakh city being situated at altitude more than 500 meters above sea level on nasty Kurmukhchay River beneath woody mountains of the southern slope of the Big Caucasus. The name of Gakh was taken in translation that envisages "fortress". In 6 km to northweatern side from Gakh, there is available Agchay village - picturesque village among fruit orchards and maiden forest. More impressive is high mountain Ilisu village (former capital of Sultanat) having been allocated at height of 1400-1600 m over the sea level in 12 km to the northest from Gakh city. The village is surrounded by sulfur mineral sources possessing by healthcare properties. In Gakh area there were still exist many historical monuments, ruins of fortresses. Having been found out in the result of archeological diggings, burial-mounds witness on their belonging to bronzed century. In Illis village there is preserved 4- angled 10 meter guarding tower (XIV century) and Sumug fortress in the center of which there is mosque standing. Sumug fortress was preserved in memory of nation as one of combated bulwark of the ultimate Ilisu sultan Daniel-Bey, brave copartner of sheyh Shamil. Here you can find out the more radish ancient citadel - archeological memorials - cemetery of jug sepultures (I Age of B.C.) By the sample of an ancient architectonic is the bridge of XVIII century Ulu Korpu. On the road leading from Gakh towards Zagatala nearby Termechi village there is narrow pathway led to the thick of age-old oaks, to the grave of Haji Murat - Shamil naib. On the grave it is set up rocky plate with inscription in Arabic language "Here it was buried the ancient martyr, avar Haji Murat Khunza`s". In Kum village, there are available memorials of Caucasian Albania period: around temple, ruins of structure V-VII centuries, Sirtgala fortress (XVIII century), unique constructions of worship purpose - Kum basilica. In village of Lekit, there you might find out temple structures (XII-XIII centuries). Where to stay Boarding houses: "Azkontrakt". "Shafa" Tel. 5 35 15 and "Ilisu" Tel. 5 42 33 and Hotel. Where to eat Restaurants "Merkez" Tel. 5 41 44, "Gakh bash Gala" Tel. 5 41 41. The particular of local national cuisine, using of dried meat and surkhulyu soup, which has been prepared only in this region, will be interested to gourmets.