Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Goychay city
The area is allocated on the northern part of Shirvan plain; half of the territory is situated on foothill, half's - on bottoms. Alongside the territory of the area, there are flowing Goychay River and Topshivani channel. In the district, there are available trees, which by the degree of the government are kept as historical monuments. Those are "Eastern chinars" ( plane trees) in amount of 199 pieces. The diameter of those trees equals 110 cm, height- 25 meters, age - more then 170 years. In Jairli village, there are two chinars with diameter equaled to 200 cm, height - 35 cm and age - 400. In Bigir village there is oak-tree is growing up with diameter of 180 cm, height - 20, age 515-520. In Arabjakhirli, Garabaglar and Inja villages there were found out places of peoples' settlenets inhabited in II century of A.D. In 9 km from district center in Arabjahirly village it was kept the tower of Sukhay XII - XIV centuries. Haji-Jalil mosque of XIX century in Alpoud village. The most interesting thing is subterraneous bath-house (XIX century), in which for all it remains as a puzzle of drainage place of bath waters. In the area center, in Goychay city, there is Museum of local lore, in which it is stored within quantity of exhibits as well as articles, discovered by archeologists on places of ancient settlements: decorations, arsenals, dishes and so on. Where to stay It is possible to rent the room of home of inhabitants. Where to eat It is possible to have a breakfast and a dinner in small cafes, snack bars.