Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Gadebey city
Gadabey district is allocated at middle and high mountain slopes of the Small Caucasus. The most highest tops - Goshabulag mountains (3549 m) and Gojadag (3317 m). At high mountain the climate is like mountain tundra, in surrounding of mountains - dry hot summer. Temperature of July is ranged from +10 C to +20 C, of January - from -2 C to -10 C. On the district territory there is allocated the well-known wildlife sanctuary "Gizilcha" and 4 natural monuments - forest massive Govdu, Godakdara, Gamish and Shamlig. In "Kechi darasi" ravine there is fascinate waterfall, Kechi-kechi rills, Jarga, Juyur, Ayi. There are good conditions intended for fishery on Shamkir River. There are available as well as sources of mineral water - Jaldash, Gizilja Nazran, Mor-mor. Woods, mountains, ravines of the district are abundant by animal and greened world. There are good conditions intended for fishery on Shamkir River. Around of Galakend village there is fishery yard. Memorials of culture are allocated on the territory of Gadabey, which are part of culture having been entered into history of Azerbaijan under name Gadabey-Khojali. Here you might be encountered with Cycpoles structures of the end of bronze period of time, Boyuk-gala forstress, towers of Galakend-galasi (XVI century), Giz-galasi (another name Namerd - gala, IX century), arched bridge of XIX century. It was found out, being famous under name "Gedabey buried treasure", ancient jugs with jewelry, silver coins, domestic ornaments, collars, luxuries. Coins of shakh Takhmasib's governing (1524-1576) were in use in Ganja, Tebriz, Shirvan, Ardebil. In the middle of XIX century German firm "Siemens" constructed two copper melted factories in Gadabey, on share of which it was attributed the fourth part of copper, being melted in tsar Russia. For Siemens brothers there is scientific work "Galakend" being belong thereto, having been complied upon result of archeological diggings in the present region. Among national handcrafts, it was kept manual fancywork, carpet farming, screw threading on woody and metal. For making romantic voyage there are exist walk itineraries: Gadabey - forest Gizilgala - tower of Namerdgala (13 km), Gadabey - Soyudlu village (5 km), Gadabey - Maarif village - Slavanka village (10 km). In zone of GSM there is allocated district center, villages of Gar-Gar, Saratovka. Where to stay Where is a Hotel. Rack rate from 10.000 manats. Local municipalities offer private house for tourists. Where to eat "Lachin" Cafe Tel. 5 43 43, restaurants: "Tebriz" Tel. 5 35 29, "Farhad". You can have delicious dinner here and taste dishes prepared by traditional ancient recipes.