Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Imishli city
Imishli district is situated on both sides of Araz River on built-joints of Mugan and Mil plains, on south - west it borders with Iran; Araz River in that places flows slowly, calmly as if went out of walking thereon. Spaciously having been spread out, it captured most part of the territory, being formed majority amount of islands. Along river banks there are spread out aged tugay forests. Among may types of trees, herein one might meet one of the most rare trees in the land - ferrous tree. Among plants it is widely outspread out such as dog rose, cactus and licorice, roots of which might serve as raw material intended for paints to be extracted and utilized thereof in medical purposes. Climate in that area is ranged from moderate up to hot semi desert weathers. Mid temperature of January +1,6 C, July +26,1 C. In the north of the area their Kura River flows. For amateurs of hunting there are shoots lands to exist such as "Sherbet-Gobu" and "Saru-Su". Once upon a time, before at those places were outspreaded non-edged steppes, being smelled with bitter sagebrush, there were squads of sheep pastured. Here it was arranged winter grasslands. Nowadays, those wintering spots were converted into favor-accommodated countries: Sarkhanli, Buludlu, Jafarli, Murdakhanli and others. Before 1938, the district was called Garadonlu. Now, Garadonlu - small village being allocated in Mugan steppe. Imishli village, staying at railroad route, intensively was developed and grew up, and in 1938, district center had been moved herein. In economy of the center main places are occupied by cotton farming, livestock farming, cereals planting. On the territory of the area, there are a lot of monuments of culture, telling on historical past of the people. Here you might meet a lot of barrows - Mukhurtape, Giziltepe, Garatepe. In the result of archeological founds it was discovered earthen dishes, domestic articles, age of which count more than three thousands. The present name of existed still from times of Arabs invasion. Bakhramtepin water basin is one of the most beautiful places in the district. From here, water, through many channels, runs alongside reinforced races. From ancient times irrigating of fields, purification them from century salts were considered for labor men of that land, as the first rate task. In the result of many year forces it was formed the wide network of irrigating channels intended for washing of hundreds hectares of terra. Administrative district center - Imishli city. The sightseeing of the city historical regional museum. Having constructed in national architecture style, it is decoration of the city. In addition, exhibits of that museum are interesting telling on yesterday and today's day of country. In the area, it was stored traditions of carpet weaving. Where to stay "Mil" hotel Tel. 5 23 49. Where to eat You will be served and eaten perfectly in restaurants "Armudu stekan", "Aran", "Syunbyul". It is also possible to organize nourishment at home at a low price.