Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Mingechevir city
Young industrial Mingechevir city is founded in the end of 40, in the beginning of 50 years of XX century. The name of Mingechevir they bind with name of general of Turk origin Mingichovr. According to Arabian historian Tabari, in XIX century in the period of governing of Arabian khalifat, Mingichovr general, being temporal governor of Azerbaijan with the residence in the area of the present Mingechevir, soon had stepped back from caliphate. However, having sustained a defeat, he was captured in prison and cloistered to the fortress. Further, in honor of general, the settlement was called Mingichovur.Namely here, Kura river, on bank of which the city is outspread, is escaped towards Kura-Araz terrain from narrow ravine, having had sawed by it in mountains of Bozdag. Now, dam of hydroelectric station fences the river valley. On the place of ravine at was formed enormous Mingechevir water basin, by waterfalls of which there are being irrigated a considerable massive of dried fertilize lands, and instead of former road deadlock there different parts of convenient ways were run alongside. Having carrying out archeological diggings in surrounds of the city witness on that on the territory of big city, Sudagilan there was allocated huge settlement. It was discovered remains of ancient religion structure. The big stoned capitol is very interesting bearing symbolic picture of two peacocks being inverted to flower - tree of life. It has been made of soft rock of yellow color. In its top part, it is graven Albanian legend. Having found out here Greek, Romanian, Sasanid coins allow attributing the structure recovery to V-VI centuries. Having situated in beautiful locality on Kura riverbank, Mingechevir attracts attention of many local and foreign tourists. In the city, there are modern buildings with interesting architecture including the big new mosque. Particular interest among guests there are sites with well-equipped restaurants and tea - houses nearby Kura River. Around the town, there is artificial lake with not big beach. At Kura riverbank there is allocated Olympic Base on boat race. Where to stay Hotel "Kainat" and tourism center "Guneshli". Where to eat "Ateshgakh" Tel. 4 08 12 and "Ana Kur" Tel. 4 83 34 restaurants, "Cosmos" cafe Tel. 5 28 68 will offer to guests appetite preparing dishes of national and Europe cuisine.