Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Ismayilli city
Having allocated on the southern mountain slopes of Big Caucasus, surrounded with forests and mountains, drowning in greens, the Ismayilli district is one of the most beautiful areas of Azerbaijan. Relief - par excellence is mountain. The most highest spot of the district - Babadag Mountain (3629 m). square of forests comprise 66799 hectares. Nature of the region - mountain rivers, forest massive, rock, natural and artificial lakes, waterfalls, abundant animal and foliage world make good impression on each man having been stayed here. Among nine climatic zones being existed in Azerbaijan, three of them are presented in Ismayilli district. Climate in plain is hot and moderate, in mountains - cold. mid temperature of January - 0,5 C. mid temperature of July +23 C. mid quantity of precipitation - 584 mm. Alongside the territory of the area, there are rivers of Girdiman, Ag-okh, and Goychay running thereon. There are waterfalls available: in Galajig village, at a height 25 m; in Burovdal village at a height 50 m; in Mudrusa village at a height of 25m. by natural pearls of the area are three natural lakes, allocated not far from each other in height of 3400-3500 m, beneath of Babadag Mountain, and two artificial lakes beside Kurdmashi and Ashigbairamli villages. Those lakes present good possibilities for fishing's amateurs. Vegetable and animal world of Ismayilli district is the richest. Here it is grown many valuable medicine types of herbs, noble deer is inhabited here, mountain goat, Dagestan goat, wild boar, bear, wolf, fox, hare and others. One the territory of area, it is allocated reserved park of "Ismayilli" with square of 5778 Hectares, created in 1969. Ismayilli is known as per poem of Great Russian poet Lermontov, who in 1837 being in Tirjan village, met with the famous national singer - ashug Oruj. From his mouth and mouth of ashug from Gusar, Lezgi Ahmed, the poet heard Dastan on Garib ashug and took it as a ground of its poem called it "Ashig Garib". In the area expect for azeri peoples, there live representatives of other peoples and ethnic groups: Lesgins, Russians (Molokans), Jews, Iranian speaker lakhidgi, descendents of ancient albans - khapits. Having been known both in the Republic and beyond its territory Ivanovka village there are descendents of molikans are living from Russia. They are known as laborious men, carefully having kept their long-standing traditions and culture. Hospitality and amiability of habitants, beauties of local places cannot make indifferent of those people who once stayed here. In the area of Ismayilli, there are forced traditions of peoples - applied art. Carpet weaving is reserved in villages of Galajig, Tazakend and others. It is widely known being existed from VII century the well-known Lahij village being allocated on Girmanchay River at a height of 1200 meters. This, being lost among mountains, small town - one of the most interesting handicraft centers of Azerbaijan, from ancient times has reputation on weapon production and copper toreutic dishes. Cooking batteries and weapon of Lahij craftsmen were in a big demand throughout all Caucuses. Main Trade Street is crossing all townships and is being its handcraft center, herein with solid background are being allocated craftsman workshops and stores. Up to now, in spite of difficulties, there are still operating local skilled craftsmen, carrying over with them the matter of ancestors: braziers, skin craftsmen, caulks, potters, blacksmiths, hat makers - craftsmen on manufacturing of ancient head garments, incrustation men, cutters on wood and metals. In Lahij and Basgal villages there were established two historical-cultural reserved areas (national parks). In which of them, historical monuments were taken under custody. In Basgal village - mosque and bathhouse of XVII century. In Lahij village - Bedoe-Zevero mosque (1791) and Agali (both - XIX century) - Zevero rill. Monuments of antiquity are available as well as in other places. In Khagani village - Maiden Tower (VII). In Sulut village - is being told with legends the Fitdag Tower (XVIII). Upon story in IV age of A.D., Alexander Macedon's stayed for recreation in local places. And in order to lead the decree of governor for all, warriors - bellmen climbed on top of mountain and made with the golden tube signal (in local, fit). Afterwards, the mountain they used to call like Fitdag. Closer to Galajig village there are wrecks of the Gasimkhan fortress. One the left bank of Girdiman river, on the top of the highest mountain there are kept mountains ruins of earlier medieval fortress, creation of which is connected with the name of Javanshir governor of Caucasian Albania (VII century). In Sulut, it is interested to take a look, as well as, at Kharam tower, Girkhotag fortress, Juma mosque, defensive walls of Khiraki. In Khankendi village, it is still kept the Khan tower (XVII). In many villages there are being met ancient mosques. Through the territory of the area, there are passing general republican mountain tourist routes: Ismayilli -Lahij - Babadag- Guba (133 km); Ismayilli -Lahij -Shamakhi (105 km); Ismayilli -Galajig -Gabala (79 km). It is popular as well as local routes Ismayilli -Lahij (47 km), Ismayilli - Basgal -Khankendi -Sulut (36 km), Ismayilli -Talistan -tower of Javanshir (7 km), Ismayilli -Galajig -Gasimkhan tower (38 km), Ismayilli -galagah -Mollaisagli (44 km). Where to stay "Talistan" Motel Tel. 5 36 32. "Giz Galasi" resort. Where to eat Restaurant "Gulustan" Tel. (50) 333 44 71, is located in the park of the city Ismayilli.