Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Samukh city
Samukh district is being adjacent to ganja city, but in the northern part, it bounds with Georgia. The area territory in ancient times entered into composition of Caucasian Albanian. In translation from Albanian language, the word "Samukh" means "foresty place for hunting". In XVIII century, it was one of four fieldsof Ganja khanate. Mountains between valleys of Ganli gobu and Gabiri. Samukh is well known by its burial-moulds; among them are shown such as Nabiagali burial-moulds in diameter rahged in 10-20 meters and a height of 1-1,5 meter. The end of Bronze and beginning of the Stone Age counts age of those burial-moulds. Climate of the district is subtropical, temperature in summer +30 C, +35 C, in winter - 0-10 C. In several tenths of kilometers from the area center, there are flowing Ganjachay, Garikh (Azalan), Gabirn (lori) rivers - splendid places for fishery and hunting. In Serkar village water of Zekhre rill is taken for curing enteric diseases. In Nabiagali village, it was found out source of sulfur water Khirman-sui. In the area, there are unique century monuments of the nature -plane trees (in local Chinar-agaji), age of the trees makes 1200-1300 years. On the tree traces available being similar to prints of horseshoe. Among nation the tree is known as Dul-Dul chinar, in name of Imam-Ali horse. That place had been converted into sanctuary place; where to local habitants bring their donations. On the area territory, it is allocated affiliate of Goy-Gol national park - preserved site named as "Eldar pine". It had been founded for custody and studying dry and salty stable Eldar pine tree, being grown in boscage, the only one in the global. On northeastern of the National Park, at mountain it is allocated the Tower Koroglu-galasi, not far from the tower, there is allocated medicinal source. Among architectural memorials attention is attracted by Mausoleum of Imamzadeh (VIII century) in height of 12 meters. Where to stay You can rent the private house or room. Where to eat "Kyur" restaurant Tel. 6 19 02. You can taste very appetite dish with the beautiful name syulfyulyu.