Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Shaki city
Sheki district is one of the most interesting, original and beautiful areas of Azerbaijan. Administrative district center - Sheki city being allocated at picturesque southern slopes of Big Caucasian Ridge on the background of white snow tops - one of the most ancient cities of Azerbaijan. By the period of Sheki to be founded is considered the first thousand years of A.D. Presumable age of the city - 2500-2600 years. Its name it received from saki tribe being lived in the past. Ancient Sheki was at route of commercial ways and was huge trading center and district of developed silky and handicraft manufacturing. All travelers in all ages by the first case they had visited bazaars. At the famous Sheki bazaars it was happened brisk market of seeds, silk, ceramic products, relief dishes, jewelry decorations. However, most part of all Sheki city gained honor by its silk. Merchants from Europe, Asia, Middle East brought out towards countries of the world, airy, transparent as veil sewed with the golden silk. We may just guess what liveliness was reigned in those places, when in the past via here was passed the Great Silk Way. By not less popularity were used as well as such amazing beauties as Sheki carpets. One having stayed once at those lands, friend of Pushkin, general Rayevski, in 1826 wrote to his parents as follows: "The country, which I am passing through, is admirable; our camp is standing in forest of pomegranate, tamarisks, chinar...Nukha city is fantastic, this is Bakhchisaray in the highest level... . there are available palace of previous khans of that land, which is very beautiful and on which Bakhchisaray palace gives only weak imagination". Majority of archeological monuments might witness on many century history of Sheki: Juyurlu burial-mounds, Dashuz, Yonjali necropolis (II century B.C.), ancient settlement Gotur-tepe settlement Salman-dere (bronzed century), tower and settlement of Dakhna and others. Sheki district, as per right, they call architectural wildlife sanctuary of the Republic. Special impression being imposed upon tourists is the Palace of Sheki khans (1762) - rare combination example of national architectonic in conjunction with tradition of palace architecture. It is interesting to take a look either at the ancient dwelling house allocated in the city, being as if minified and modest copy of Sheki khans palace. There are pictures, having been painted on walls with oil paints, gracious shebeke on windows might ideate special value. Central hall of the house is decorated by fireplace with painting of calligraphic inscription wishing happiness and welfare to that house. Up to our days there are it were stored Ashagi and Yukhari caravanserais in Sheki, having been built in XVIII century. The dome of the second one is one of the largest in the Middle East. In four kilometres to the north of Sheki on the western Kish river bank, at Garatepe mountain atop there were stored ruins whilom having been inexpugnable for enemies of "Galarsan - gorersen" fortress (come and see.). long years it safeguarded approaches to the city, not less acts of breviaries had been wrote by its defendants into the history of fight with foreign oppressors. Not randomly, Lev Tolstoy, in the well-known novel "Haji Murat", by place of events had selected Sheki fortress. Having entered into the town you will be shown the grave of the well-known Haji-Murat, died here at one of battles. Many other historical monuments have been saved in Sheki district. The follownigs czn be noticed. Albanian temple in village of Kish allocated on the bank of Kish River and made from the hewed big stones named "shirima". Temple of VI-VII centuries in Orta Zaysid village made from "shirima" as well. House-museum of M.F.Akhundov in Sheki city, Shinaz tower in Shin village, Gizlar Galasi tower (IV-V centuries) in village of Kish, Javur tower of VI century, minaret of Gileyli mosque of XVIII century, mosques of XIX century in many villages. In the area, today, there are stored are stored many national handicrafts. Sheki craftsmen are producing painting coffers, weaving women shawl "kelagayi", sewing on silk and velvet. Among products of local handiwork, special interest causes "takulduz" - type of weaving with usage of silky fabrics. Up to now in the city, there still exist names of streets denoting this or other one ancient profession - Duluzchular (potters), Zargarlar, (jewelers), Khalvachilar (confectioners). You may visit, being in honor with own craftsmen, the ancient Sheki craft shops, where you will be offered by jewelry fineries, articles made of metal, timber, various souvenirs. The Sheki cookey is peculiar and abundant. Love partiality to sweat, presumably, defines particular amiability and merry pin of inhabitants. No one having been appeared in the Sheki city will not be able to stand out before seduction to taste the famous Sheki sweats: girmabadam, zilviya, pahlava made of rice flour with hazelnuts, nabat - boiled sugar, peshveng - sweaty being melted in a mouth mealy straw. That sweats, and undoubtedly we mean the well-known Sheki khalva, they are outspreading its flavor around the all city. Keeping conversation on Sheki, it is not allowed to pick up more one sightseeing of the city - Sheki humor. Each early on April 1 here it is used to being held "Day of laugh". Should by warm night you being not in a hurry will walk alongside Sheki streets and be heard to peculiar dialect of Sheki citizens, you will feel an atmosphere surrounded you with cheerful benevolence. Ancient Sheki city, being in honor with unrepeatable natural beauty, by splendid memorials, the richest traditions and original culture, hospitality and sensitive feeling of humor of local habitants, now it had already added glorious Olympic sport complex to the list of its sightseeing places. Where to stay Resorts: "Saadat" Tel. 4 47 14, cost - 45 000 manats a day, "Markhal" Tel. 6 12 65, 4 27 67, in one of the most picturesque places of the region, accommodation price ranged from 20 000 until 500 000 manats a day, "Gelersen - Gorersen" Tel. (50) 335 79 33. "Sahil" dwelling house Tel. 4 54 91, cost - 15 000 manats, Hotels: "Sheki" Tel. 4 42 88, (50) 318 31 25, "Karvansara" Tel. 4 48 14, 4 31 72. Rack rate from 20.000 manats, "Sabukhi" allocated in the center of the city. Where to eat Restaurants: "Yeddi gezel", "Soyug bulag" Tel. 6 11 13, "Saadat" Tel. 4 37 04, "Garabag" Tel. (50) 337 44 38. Sheki sweets will be offered to guests everywhere. Appetite dishes of Azerbaijan national cuisine will be provided for guests.