Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Shamakhy city
Shamakhi district is a center of Shirvan region. Center of the district, Shamakhi city, has become a main city of feudal state of the Shirvanshah already in VI century. Remains of the construction and objects discovered during archeological digs confirm existence of the city already in 2,5-3 thousand years ago. Shamakhi is noted in the works of ancient Greek historian Ptolomei among the cities of Caucasian Albania. Caravans from the Far East and India were coming here loaded with the silk. Since the old years, Shamakhi was famous for its gardens and silk cloths. Various kinds of fields were developed here in the Middle ages. Embossing with ornaments from copper, highly artistic decorations, objects of the home appliance were made here with skill. The city has changed its name for the centurial existence many times. Such names as Shirvan, sharvan, Khairvan, Ashshmakh, Shakhmakh, Shamukh etc. can be met in various sources and various historical periods. According to one of the versions, Shamakhi name origins is the words "shakh" - big and "makh" - city. According to another version it origins in the world "sham" - Arabic name of the city of Damask and "akhi" (ekhi) - "double", "similar". The Syrians who moved here were comparing it with Damask by its beauty and eminence. There are a lot of toponymics in the territory of Shamakhi describing far and interesting events and appearances. Underground vault famous for its medicinal features since the old days is near the village of Melkhem ("clinic"). The people suffering from the asthma and other painful deceases could reach the place of "Melkhem", live a few weeks and they could be cured. Popular poet of XII century Aphzaladdin Khagani was born in this small village. Shamakhi takes special place among the cities of old Azerbaijan by the tragic events. The city was exposed to the invasions of foreign occupants, as a result of which not only monuments of culture but also inestimable creations of the ancient thinkers were destroyed. "Shamakhi will never be able to say whether it will exist tomorrow", - was writing pessimistically Alexander Dumas. However, Shamakhi citizens were finding the strength and raising the city again and again from the ruins and ashes. Different associations might appear when saying Shamakhi starting from the famous carpets to Pushkin "Shamakhi tsarina". Russian traveler, Tver merchant Afanasiy Nikitin was visiting this place during his "journey behind three seas". Natural conditions of Shamakhi lands have attracted the human since the old years. Unique nature, soft climate, springs give special beauty to the region. Highlands are flowering widespread from spring to autumn with the covering of the deciduous forests of oak, beach, hornbeam, rich green of the meadows and bushes. Over 50 species of the herbal greens are growing here. Rich nature of the forests impresses with the plenty of animals and birds. Roe deer, boars, bears, forest cats are among the animals here. The mountain regions are of mild warm climate, soft winter. The snow is laying here for 40-80 days at the average covering width of 30-50 cm. This land attracts lots of tourists and campers in summer and winter. Babadag mountain - one of the peaks loved by Baku alpinists - is located here. Garachay, Velvelichay and Girdimanchay rivers origin in here. Shamakhi is Motherland of the talented masters of word, brush, great thinkers and architects: Sayid Azim Shirvani, Sabir, Abbas Sahhat, Zeynal Abdin Shirvani, Hamedi Shirvani, Feleki Shirvani, Muhammed Khadi, Nasimi, Haji Zeynalabdin Shirvani, Abubakr Muhammad Shirvani, Azim Azimsade etc. Shamaki is famous is one of the largest centers of Azerbaijan with its wine growing and winemaking. Popular table and desert wines of Shamakhi won numerous medals and diplomas in international exhibitions. Astrophysics observatory named after Nasreddin Tusi is 12 km to the northeast of Shamakhi at the height of 1400 m in the settlement of Pirgulu equipped with the modern equipment and telescope at the mirror diameter of 2 m, one of the largest in CIS. Mountain skiing is popular in Pirgulu in winter and amazing riding - in summer. Popular picturesque place named "Girkh-bulag" has many of the springs with clean spring water. "Shirvan", "Gobustan", "Shamakhi", "Israfil", "Arjiman" in small village of Jangi near the exit from Shamakhi road to the plain. Jorabs - wool colored socks decorated with the national ornament are knitted in the families of herdsmen. There is large settlement of Chukuryurd is 10 km to Shamakhi at the height of 850 m above the sea level, on the right coast of Pirsagat river. Offspring of lettuce settlers from Russia live here. Chukuryurd is famous for its potato, cabbage, special sunflower-seed oil. Local apples, pears, plums, mountain medicinal honey are of great demand. Mountains of Babadag. Tfandag and Bazarduzu are well observed from the surrounding hills. There is Jangin forest located 3 km to the northwest of Chukuryurd attracting sportive tourism amateurs since the old years. Wild apple-tree, pear, cherry-plum, filbert and cornel grow here. Deer, goats, boars, foxes, wolve live in Jangin forest. The gorge with the sulphur springs is allocated in the north behind the forest. Shamakhi district is interesting not only with its rich nature but also with anxiety represented by numerous archeological and architectural monuments. They are the followings: Juma mosque with two minarets (the year of 743), mausoleum of Sakhikhandan (XV century), mausoleum of Pirmardakhan (XII-XIV century), Pir of Imamzadeh in the village of Kolakhani, complex of 8 mausoleums of XVII century, ruins of Gulustan fortress (XI-XII centuries) etc. Complex of the Caravanserai of XIV century with underground bath is very interesting as well. Mountain village of Kala-Bugurt is 9 km to Chukuryurd; there are ruins of legendary fortress of Kala-bugurt (XV-XVI century) near it, which adhered to the sheer rock. Here, in XIII century, Shirvanshah Shahruh was defending from the attacking Persians. Shah palace was inside the fortress. The fortress had perfect system of water supply: water tower, water pipe, stone basins for the water storage, which was supplied through the countersunk arched passages in the defense wall. Ruins of Gulustan fortress are near Shamakhi. Ruins of the fortress constructions of the palace of Mustafa-khan, one of Shirvan's rulers - are on the mountain of Fitdag. Mausoleum of Yeddi-Gumbaz (seven cupolas) (XVIII-XIX century) - burial-vault of Shirvan shahs - are well maintained as well. Stone woman statue in the village of Khinisli is well known among the ancient monuments. The ruins of the ancient city of Shargah are at the turn of three regions of Shamakhi, Devechi and Guba at the top of the woody mountain. Where to stay Hotel Tel. 9 23 07, "Fortuna" resort is situated in Pirgulu village. Where to eat There is well-known a wide range of choice of best Azerbaijan dishes and hospitable restaurants "Dostlug" Tel. 9 15 72, "Pirgulu" Tel. 9 47 76, "Turist" Tel. 9 36 78, "Shirvangel" Tel. 9 43 01, "Melhem" Tel. 9 21 80, "Gaya" Tel. 9 28 31.