Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Ordubad city
Ordubad district located in the eastern part of the Nakhchivan Republic bounds with Armenia in the north and east Iran in the south, Julfa district - in the west. Summer in the district, rich flora and fauna. Fresh air, rare herbal greens, aromatic fruits brought the popularity to the district. Ordubad peaches, pears, grapes, apricots are very popular because of their mellowness and sweetness.
There ate many historical monuments in Ordubad region. These are the monuments of Bronze Age - stone statue of the rams in the villages of Aza, Dar, Nasirvaz; remains of the settlement of II-I millenniums B.C. in the village of Sabir; ruins of the old city of Gilan near the village of Aza; Middle age constructions in the villages of Kilit, Valavar, Aylis, Aza, Kotam, Bilev, Vanand; ruins of the old city of Anabad near the modern village of the same name; Shahtakhti tower near the village of Andamij; mosques of XVIII century in the villages of Aylis, Vanand, Ustupu, Nus-nus, Duilun; bridge of 1826 near the village of Aza; mosques of XIX century in the villages of Dirins, Dasta, Vanand, Unus; mausoleum of XIV century in the village of Der; mosque of XVII century in the village of Dirins; ruins of the bath of XIV century in the village of Der; bath of XVIII century and mosque of XIV century i8n the village of Nus-nus; bridges of XVIII century at Aza river and in the village of Aylis; bath of XVIII century in the villages of Ganza, Aza, Aylis, Vanand; 5-span bridge of XYII century at Nasirvaz river; pir (sanctuary) of XVII century in the village of Khanaga etc. There are rock petrography - signs of the art of III-II millenniums B.C. in 60 km to the south of the city of Ordubad, on the mountain of Gamigaya. Thousand of pictures, which reflect the images of the ho old human about the life, environment, images of people and fantastic animals, are engraved on the flat surface of the firm rocks.
Center of the district, Ordubad, is the second city in the Republic Nakhcivan by its significance. This is a city of gardens, roses and nightingales. It is located at Ordubadchay River at the height of 850 m over the sea level. The city has been famous since XII century. Taking into consideration numerous historical monuments, the city is announced a state historical-architectural reserve. The followings can be noted among the architectural monuments: Juma-mosque with arch bays on the front, ice-houses and mosques of XVIII century, as well as Silbar-mosque, tower of Afghan of XVIII century, mosques of XIX century, eyvan of XVIII century, numerous chashmes (construction near the springs), Goysariya - closed trade complex with the cupolas (XIX-XX centuries). Two-floor madrasah is of great importance. Two-floor madrasah is of great importance. It is one of the interesting religious constructions of XVI-XVII centuries. It is almost only sample of madrasah saved in Azerbaijan up to present, which was one of the most important religious schools of that period. There are historical museums of local lore, theater, museum-house of writer Ordubadi-founder of the historical-romantic genre in Azeri literature.
Ordubad is famous for its gardens and long-livers - planes, the largest of which has diameter of 18 meters. Ordubad is the ancient center on silkworm growing. Ordubad silk won 13 gold medals in early XX century in international exhibitions. There is a silk olant here.
Azeri and Iranian authorities on constructions of the bridge through the river of Araz.

Where to stay
It is possible to rent the room or home of inhabitants.

Where to eat
Comfort and delicious food will be offered to guests in "Baghdad" restaurant, cafes: "Afghan", "Manzera", "Aile", "Sim-Sim" Tel. 7 04 88.