Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Khojali city
The ancient Khojali town is allocated on Khojalichay riverbank. Here, you might be encountered with Askeran fortress ("asker" in translation means warrior). The wall of two meter width in height of 5-6m, having been constructed in XVIII century, during long period of time obstructed way for enemies on apporoaches to the center Garabag khanate - Shusha. In palace of Yukhari Khanbagi, along the roadway leading to Shusha sometime there existed, being the well-known in all Caucasian territory by its traditions and hospitality caranserai Tanriverdi-kishi with tea house, musical saloon hairdresser's parlor. Here there were permanently stayed phaetons, vans, keeping way to Barda, Ganja, Baku, Tiflis, Irevan and other cities of Caucasus. Khojali is known on Khojali tomb, being related to Khojali-Gedabey cult. Having related to times of epoch of later bronze and earlier iron (end of II -beginning of I B.C.) Khojali tomb, or, as they still call it, Khojali mortuary field, gave name to whole material culture on territory of Caucuses. At that field, there are widely presented mortuary structures in type of rocked boxes and burial-mounds at height of ranged from 1 till 15 meters. Herein you may find out dolmens, menhirs and by separate areas - tills having been left from Ice Age period. While making diggings there were found out in a big quantity earthen dishes of black color with incised, often geometrical pattern, weapon: wide straight swards, first having been marked on the territory of the former Soviet Union, as well as dirks, hatchets, pole-axes and also bronzed bells and whistles, which found their place in many museums of the world.