Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Aghdam city
The area center, Agdam city is one of the largest Garabag plain, having been arisen in I millennium of B.C. "Agdam" as per ancient Turk Glossary envisages - "small fortress". In far back in the past Turky speaking tribes, being habituated in those areas, in purposes of their protection and safety, erected preferentially small fortresses. Since passed times the name of the city had taken another meaning. Garabag khan Panahali in the first half of XVIII century ordered to build himself dwelling complex - imaret made of white rock. That imaret during long period had served as original orienting thing for habitants of near villages. Agdam - light, being illuminated with sunny rays, white house. On the territory of Agdam area among architectural memorials we might mention Mausoleum of Khanoglan (XVII century), mosque of XVII century, palace and Mausoleum Panahali-khan, in village of Khachinturbetli - "Gutlu - son of Musa" mausoleum (XIV century), in Kengerli village - mausoleum (XIV century), in Papravend village - two mausoleum and mosque; in Shakhbulag village - caravanserai of XVIII century. By monument of the past is a well as cave having been cut in rock at the Northern slope of Bozdaga at height of 300 meters. That is cave temple of VIII century, being referred to Christian architecture of Albania Caucasian state. In Agdam city there is Museum of bread, being the only in its kind's. In Museum, there were collected unique exhibits of the ancient world and medieval Ages. Among exhibits - ancient rocked samples of grains, rare sorts of cereals, majority of valuable books, manuscripts, materials on development of husbandry, ancient weapons of crop farming: plough-tail, simple sickle and geared one's, thresh board, manual mill and others.