Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Zardab city
Administrative district center - Zardab city is allocated on Kura riverbank. Zardab district is spread out at flatted terrain. Climate in the region is hot, dry. Along the territory of the area Kura and garasu rivers are flowing. Average temperature of January + 1,8 C, July +26,2 C. In the district, it is spread out greenery of semi-desert type. On Kura riverbanks there are stretched out tugay woods. Square of forests composes 1000 Hectares. Animal world of the area is diverse. Fauna is presented with such animals loke wolf, hare, fox, jeyran, wild boar and birds: turaj, pheasant. In agriculture, there are dominated cotton farming and lovestock farming. Zardab city is homeland of the well known Azerbaijan write,, elucidative man Hasanbey Zardabi, being founded the first in the history Azerbaijan, newspaper "Ekinchi" (plough man) in mid of XIX century. Where to stay You can rent the private home with all necessary facilities. Where to eat It is possible to eat delicious and inexpensive in cafe "Dalga", at roadway kebabkhanas.