Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Saatly city
Center of Saatly district - Saatly city being situated on the Right Bank of Araz River. Saatly is situated at 28 meters lower than world ocean level. Climate in the area is moderate, temperature in winter is ranged from 0 C to -3 C, in summer to +39 C. Alongside the Araz river, there are being spread out tugay woods. In the district there is Sarisu - suitable site intended for making fishery and winter hunting. Favored Mugan soil, waters of Araz create wonderful conditions for cotton farming, vegetables and fruits growing, melon and watermelon cultivation in that area. On littoral territory of Araz river there were kept remains of irrigating arcs, being constructed in B.C. and in the mid century - Govurarkh, Khakmarrkh, Muganarkh. On the territory of Azakend, Fatalikend, Jafarkhand, Varkhankend territories there are majotity of archeological monuments: necropils and barrows of III-II ths. B.C., ancient settlements of Garagashli, Garalar (bronze age), Abbasbeyli (XI-XIII centuries), Mamedabad (X-XVI centuries), Sarisu (IV-XII centuries); Gishlag (XII-XVIII centuries), araz Dushergesi etc. It is interesting to review exposition of local museum of region studies, where more than 6300 exhibits are available (tel. 5 37 10). In the area it was still functioned such ancient crafts like screws, cutting on wood and metal. Among people's products, the are popular like chests, caskets, cradles. Where to stay "Jannet" Resort Tel. (50) 362 04 64, Hotel Tel. 5 30 83 Where to eat Restaurants: "Alisoltanli", "Niyaz" and cafes: "Veterok", "Titanik". You have welcome. The dishes of these restaurants are delicious. You can eat the dishes of pheasant, partridge, and taste local dishes khingal, manti there.