Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Hajigabul city
Hajigabul district is allocated on southeast Kura-Araz plain. District center - Hajigabul city. Its history is started from IX century. "Hajigabul" word envisages "Let Lord take your pray". Hajigabul was allocated in a way leading to Mecca and Medina, places of pilgrimage of Muislims. Long way of prayers could not take without rules, for which those places were very convenient. In XV century on place of existed Hajigabul city veside similar named lake it was erected caravanserai (palace) by Shakh Abbas. Durring governing times of Shirvanshakh dynasty it was constructed Makhmudabad city here. Through the city, it was passed The Great Silk Way. From here, caravans were traveled towards Persian Bay. On Kharami Mountain to northwest direction from Hajigabul city in association with employees of Institute of Archeology and Ethnography it was discovered cyclic structure with inscription thereon of petrographies. In the result investigations having been carried out it was cleared out that age of the structure constitutes nearly 5 thousand years. Around structure are rocks with picture of men and fantastic animals, which scientists relate to eneolith and bronzed period. Climate in Hajigabul district is dry, hot, and typical for semi desert. In summer it is very hot, July - August the temperature often exceeds +40 C. Winter is mild, temperature happens, basically, within +6 C until +12 C. Precipitation happen, basically, in spring and autumn, it falls not more than 200 mm in a year. Alongside Kura River there are areas existed being covered with tugay forests and bushed brushwood. In area it is arranged Hajigabul lake - flatted lake, having been formed in the result of wasters of Caspian Sea and periodical floods of Kura river. Apart from majority of plain lakes of Azerbaijan, reedy greens are expressed on that lake, too weak. However, vicinage shoals and fishponds will compensate with usury such shortage. Lake is exclusively important place for temporal recreation of migrant birds in period of migrations, important area of wintering and nesting of water-paludal birds, including disappeared types. Water in lake is not flowing and does not freeze in winter. Herein are thrown out warm wasters of Ali Bayramli Hydroelectric station. Depth of the lake is 5 meters. Warm water, abundant development of water-plaints and sin vertebral one's provide good forage base for birds. Oval from of lake provides sufficient long distance from mid lake until shorelines, which is important condition for birds' protection. Here exist conditions for hunting and fishery. In the district it is developed carpet weaving, the interest is caused with hand carpets being referred to Shirvan school "Sari Khalcha" (yellow carpet). There are historical architectural monuments to exit: In Gubali-Baloglan village - Pir (sanctuary) Hussein Khanagahi XIII-XIV centuries, fortress walls, mosque with minaret, caravanserai (all - XIII century), living premises of XIV century, mausoleum of XV century and bridge of XVIII-XIX centuries; in Udulu village - medieval defense tower Gungermaz; in the eastern shore of Hajigabul lake - caravanserai of XV century. In town, it is arranged excursions to be run on historical places (Hajigabul-Gubali-Baloglan and Hajigabul-Udulu routes). Where to stay There is possible to rent the private home with all necessary facilities. Tel. 5 32 83, 5 34 90 Where to eat Restaurants "Azad", "Gaya", "Gafgaz" Tel. 5 26 83, (50) 341 19 36 allow to guests refined dishes of national cuisine.