Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Agdjabedy city
Agjabedi district is allocated in the center of country, at Kura-Araz terrian, on the right Kura riverbank. Climate in the area is hot, deserted and semi deserted. Mid annual temperature +14 C. On the territory of the area there is spread out Aggel state National park. Nearby Husulu, Boyat, Gishalti, Hindarkh village there are exist burial mounds of the Bronze Age. In Agjabedi the famous composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov was born. In Kahrizli village there are allocated museum - house Khamida khanum - spouses of the well-known drama writer Jalil Mammedguluzadeh. Where to stay There are Hotel Tel. 4 08 33 and guesthouse. You can rent the private house or room at moderate price. Where to eat Restaurants: "Aygun", "Ozan", "Shirin". We have a wide range of choice national dishes for amateurs who like to eat tasty.