Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Khachmaz city
Region is situated to the northeast of Azerbaijan and occupies major part of Samur - Devechi lowland. Khachmaz district in the north bounds with Russia. Arterial highway and railway Baku-Moscow passes the territory of the region. 20800 ha of the territories of the region are covered with the forests, 8 rivers run it; there are three artificial lakes. Climate is soft; there are sources of thermal and spring waters. Herbal greens such as dog-rose, bindweed, St. John's wort, blooming sally, balm etc are widely distributed in the district's flora. There are good conditions for hunting and fishing in the district. Gulalan preserve in the territory of the district. It is supposed that name of Khachmaz came from the name of the tribe of khachmataki living in these lands are entering union of the militant tribes - the Huns. Later, the name was transformed and had been met in the sources since the mid of VII century as "Khachmaz". It is interesting that part of the tribe in the second mid of VII century migrated to the territory of the current Oghuz district having constructed the settlement and fortress named Khachmar there. Routes of conquerors making the campaigns and invasion on the ancient states existing in the territory of Azerbaijan passed on this land in the past. Famous fortresses "Baba-al-Abvab" ("Iron Gates", "Darband gates") built in VII-VI millenniums B.C. were standing on their ways as insuperable obstacle. Mighty stone wall barring conquerors' way at Darband passageway was constructed at Sasanid tsar of Yezdigerd in V century. Those who could overcome these systems of the military fortification were on the fertile land of Azerbaijan. Scythians, Alans, Khazars, Savirs and other tribes entered here. Burials of bronze century were discovered in the territory of Khachmaz district during archeological digs, implements, hunting gears and house utensils were found. One of the ancient cities-fortresses - Khudat (Khudat is "Charisma") in Khachmaz district. It had become a capital of Gauba khanate in early XVIII century. In 1735 in concern with transference of Fatali-khan from Khudat to Guba, the city had lost its importance. There are considerable reserves of the drinking water in the Khudat land. Famous Shollar water-supply line originates from here - Shollar village, which was put into exploitation in 1917 and plays an important role in the water supply of Baku up to present. There are over 60 saved monuments of history and culture in the region. There are: mosques of XIX century in the villages of Morug-oba, Uzun-oba, Tagar-oba, mosque-madrasah of shah Abbas of XV-XVI centuries in the village of Gragurtlu, ancient settlements and barrows related to Bronze century near the villages of Mollaburhan, Khulovlu, Garajik, Hasangala, middle age settlements at the village of Janahir, Bostanchi. Mosque of Sheikh Yusif (XV century) - one of the earliest monuments of mausoleum group that was widely used in the construction of XVI-XVII centuries has been saved in the village of Shikhlar. Railway station and water tower built in early XX century (1900-1903) and in good state at present are of big interest. Carpet weaving is developed among the traditional crafts. There is a faculty of the carpet studies in Khachmaz Iyceum. The tourists will be interested in watching the masters weaving large and small carpets. The most popular rest zone in the country is in the territory of Khachmaz district-Nabran. There are many tourists are built here, in the picturesque place, where the forests neighbor with the sandy beaches. Where to stay "Khachmaz" hotel. Resorts in Nabran: "Caspian" Tel. (50) 558 01 16, "Palma" Tel. (50) 220 90 04, 321 99 96б 320 37 27, "Malibu" Tel. (12) 47 25 60, (50) 330 88 03, "Sahil" Tel. (50) 315 51 00, "Lotos" Tel. (50) 324 74 59, (55) 780 74 23, (50) 323 02 39. "Green Ville" Resort AZ 2724, Khachmaz region, Nabran sett, tel mob: (+99450) 331 80 32 Office in Baku: "ASIMAN" LLC AZ 1007, 3/139, M.P.Vaqif ave.Tel./Fax: (+99412) 596 37 57, Mob: (+99450) 225 53 13 E-mail: Where to eat In all above-mentioned tourist centers there are the restaurants with high level of service. Besides that, the tourists have dinner there in restaurants: "Choban", "Chenlibel", "Kamran" Tel. 3 47 74 and cafes: "Xazar" Tel. 3 22 35, "Shabran-Nushi Jan" Tel. 3 40 40, "Elite", "Tebriz".