Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Yardimly city
Having situated in the south of Azerbaijan, Yardimli district is spread out alongside river valley among Talish Mountains and from the west it bounds with Iran. By forests massive, it was occupied 21 ths hectares of the area territory. Splendid nature, rivers, rills, numerous historical monuments give particular loveliness to those places. In winter, here you might find out everything covered with snow, but spring and autumn - the best times of year for recreation in Yardimli area. Enormous interest is presented in the richest animal world; here one could encounter with wolfs, foxes, jackals, bears and many other animals. At 25 km of Massali - Yardamli turnpike there is wonderful corner of nature to exist, which is known as "Shelale". This is lovely place of recreation of habitants of the area. Another beautiful and popular place - Perimbel village, being laid at mountain slopes and surrounded from all sides by woods with numerous rills, one of which having the name of Gez Nar, is considered as historical monuments. Possessing by such as a rich nature, fauna and flora, Yardimli district, unfortunately, does not dispose by developed tourist infrastructure. It was stored the ancient national craft - carpet farming. Specialized shops do not exist any more; mistresses are weaving carpets directly at own homes. In the district center, in Yardimli city there are paved streets, buildings being interested by its architecture. In the city there is museum of history, small mosque and marshal memorial. Where to stay It is possible to rent the room or home of inhabitants. The owners guarantee high service for you. Where to eat Restaurants "Dadash", "Tekdam Shelalesi", "Tahir" Tel. 3 21 79 allow to guests refined dishes of national cuisine.