Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Aghstafa city
The area is allocated on the west of Azerbaijan in foothills of Big Caucasus, on the border bounded with Georgia and Armenia. Climate in the area is moderate. Along the territory of the area, there is following main Kura river of Azerbaijan, inflow of Kura - Agstafa River and some of other few river. There is exist Jandargel lake. On Kura riverbank, it is allocated Garayazi's wild life sanctuary, having been founded out with aim of tugay forests to be safeguarded. On the territory of the area there were stored numerous archeological and historical memorials. Among them as follows: having been registered into the list of memorials of the global meaning, the settlement of bronze century Teyretepe in village Ashagi Geychali and monument made of bronze - beginning of Iron Age - the settlement Choban-dashi in Dagkesemen village. Monuments like such kinds are available in other places as well. In surroundings of Kechasker, the settlement of the Stone Age Molla Nagi Tapasi, the settlement of bronze Iron Ages. Durnatepe, Beyuktepe, Shish Guzey Piri and medieval memorial Haja Dag Piri. Nearby the city Agstafa - settlement s of bronze and iron Ages - Jantepe, Yastitep. As well as it is possible to remind Tatli, Yukhari Geychali, Hasansu, Ashagi Goychali villages. Findings having been found out whilst making archeological diggings: jugs, necklaces, bowels, vases, separate articles of home are being kept in local Museum of Local Lore, history and economy. There are architectural monuments are staying in great interests: tower of XVII century, mosque of XIX century - in village of Girag Kesemen, mosques of XIX century - in villages of Kolkhalfeli, Garahasanli, Dagkesemen and others. In the area, it is being shown care on keeping the cultural heritage, being accumulated by previous generations in ashug art, carpet farming etc. The district center, Agstafa city is allocated not far from frontier bounded with Georgia. The city had been founded in 1914 as railroad link. The Railroad goes directly up to Tbilisi. The Republic of Georgia is partitioned from Agstafa with the bridge Girmizi Korpu. Agstafa - silent town, in the center of which there is available cozy park with restaurants, teahouses and cinemas. In 20 kilometers from Agstafa town in picturesque by its widely known rill as Galamcha - lovely place for recreation. Where to stay There are two hotels in city and Hotel in "Hasan su" Complex Tel. (50) 362 16 08 Where to eat Restaurants: "Hjasan su", "Tourist", "Injagul", "Goyja", "Tural", "Karvan", "Polyu", "Deli Kur", "Tut bagi".