Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ganja Regional Culture and Tourism Department

Khyzy district
Khizi district is the closest district to Baku among all other mountainous district of Azerbaijan. Climate in the district is sogt, air is dry. Considerable part of the district territory is covered with the forest. It sides wit the Caspian Sea in the east. There is one of the significant monuments established by nature in the territory of the district - Beshbarmag rock of intricate form. Extraordinary contours of the rock reminding stone palm rising sternly over the ancient caravan route amaze the traveler from afar - that is why the name of this rock is "five fingers". Ruins of the sanctuary "Khizirzinda" (eternally alive Khizir) is on the peak among the rock merlons. There are lot of legends and traditions about Beshbarmag mountain. One of the most beautiful places of Azerbaijan in Khizi region is Altiagay. Road for the camel caravans coming from Shamakhi to abundant Guba via Altiagay was established here in Shirvanshahs' time. Altiagay was a halt, place of rest of the travelers and sarvans (camel owners). In the past "agay" was used as a measure of space. One agaj was equal to 7 km, and "alti" means "six". The distance from Shamakhi to Altiagaj was 42 km. There are many historical monuments in the district. The followings can be noticed. Beshbarmag tower rose in the mid of VII century. Walls of the tower have been saved. It is 9 km to the center of the district. Ruins of the ancient city of V century located at the distance of 8 km mausoleum of sheikh Heydar in the village of Alishirin 5 km to center of the district. Ruins of Khizi tower of V century. It is possible to reach these places by the earth road but there are not any food objects. Pir (sanctuary) of XV century in the village of Khalanj. The monument is in good state. Asphalt road leads to it. Khizi is an administrative center of the district. Eminent Azeri writer and dramaturge Jafar Jabbarli was born and grown up here. He has a lot of deserve in the development of national cinematograph and training of the national film talents. Film studio "Azerbaijanfilm" is named after him. Where to stay Resorts: "Jannet bagi" Tel: (50) 221 30 49, "Gizil Gazma". Where to eat It is possible to feed in suburban cafe, restaurants and kebabkhanas.